Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Visions of Sugarplums?

I just managed to learn what my mom is getting me for Christmas and I'm far too excited about it to not share with everyone else because, 1. it's exactly what I asked for and, 2. it's not something I would have splurged on myself until after my Holiday bills were paid. No, it's not a vacation and it's not jewelery, it's laundry detergent.

Here's a quote from the website,
"Hi! I'm CrunchyClean Gal - aka
Ashley! I am a wife and new
mom of a baby girl. I started making our
cleaning products over a year ago
in an effort to cut down on our exposure to
chemicals and be friendlier to
the earth. As my zeal for living a green life has
increased with new
motherhood, I have worked on my recipes and made them
Go check it out!

My mom is getting me both a Regular Detergent and a Diaper Detergent. I should mention that I absolutely adore clean, fresh sheets and clothes; fragranced detergents are a passion of mine, but my husband and two kiddos have sensitive skin and various allergies, so I have had to be very careful in my detergent choices. Add cloth diapers to that, and I sometimes feel limited by my options. I have started filling the fabric softener dispenser with plain water and adding 2 drops of essential oil to "spice up" the unscented detergent that has become my staple.

However, in less than 2 weeks time, I will just add a scoop and walk away. I'm extra appreciative because, by all accounts, the Diaper Detergent rinses so clean I will be able to eliminate the extra rinse cycle and save on my water bill! It simply can't get any more awesome than that! I will certainly keep you posted on the performance once I receive it.

For the record, I know it was alluded to above, but I feel it bears repeating: this is not a paid advertisement. I am receiving no compensation for this post. Although, CrunchyClean Gal, if you read this and feel inspired to send a free bag of detergent as a gift of goodwill, I would certainly welcome it!